Your Spokane Dentist
Bates Dental offers comprehensive dentistry for adults and children, minimizing referrals to specialists. Several levels of sedation are available to those who are anxious about dental treatment. This new office serves local patients as well as many from neighboring counties and states. New patients are always welcome and referrals are greatly appreciated.
S. Brady Bates, DDS
My Journey
At a very young age I was fascinated by the work my father did as a Dentist. I had opportunities to work in his office and observe the excellent manner in which his delivered quality cutting-age dentistry. I observed the positive impact he had caring for each person as he improved their health and smile. I knew that I too wanted to be a dentist and took every opportunity I had to learn about dentistry.
Prior to dental school I had the privilege of working as a dental assistant for a couple of years. More than theory, I recognized that behind each tooth is a living/breathing individual. Each has fears, wants, desires and no two were the same. I learned that compassion and integrity were vital in delivering optimal care. In the end, it didn’t matter how nice a tooth looked or was “fixed,” if we failed to treat the person respectfully with special attention to their needs.
This experience carried me through dental school and into my career and has helped me to build a practice around the same values. I don’t judge or present a false front. I hope to provide an atmosphere of openness with attention to your comfort, but most of all great service. We strive to cater to your individual needs and evolve with new technology so as to exceed your expectations.
It has been an amazing journey with much more ahead. I am grateful for my wonderful wife and 4 children who support me day in and day out. They are a great part of my inspiration in who I am and am striving to become. We enjoy serving in our church and community and are thankful for the great blessing it is each day to be a part of your life as we work to make a difference.


